Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holiday changes

OK, so, John's son will not be joining us for Christmas. H's mother neatly killed the idea of him on an epic road trip. It's sad, but I suppose the good news is that John and I no longer have to kill ourselves on the driving part to keep it as short as possible. We can stop and see things, and if we decide to keep driving, one of us can stretch out and sleep in the backseat. I hope to get a week (or close to it) with his family, and a week (or close to it) with mine. We may still have to haul ass on the way back, as I'd like to spend New Year's in Virginia. But having done this once by myself, I'm excited about doing it again with a co-pilot. I wonder what it's like going cross-country in the passenger seat.

In other news, I think I've officially settled in here. Since I've moved, I've been beset with troubling dreams (exes coming back to haunt me, my hair falling out), held captive by strange anxieties (I never, ever made the bed before, and I find myself needing to do it here. Why is that?), and just been generally tense about the future. Residual stress from being laid off/the road trip/moving? Perhaps. Intense laboring to get out from under the shadow of my past relationships? Probably. I've been here long enough now to have established a comfort level, and now the anxiety falls away? That's part of it, too, I'm sure. One day this week I woke up totally relaxed and happy. No more bad dreams, no more weird stressing about cleaning or making the bed, no more wondering if I'd done the right thing. I have. And it's amazing.

Oh, OH! And this weekend I'll be attending the San Diego Food and Wine Festival! All day Saturday! Look for happily drunk, drooly, generally inspired food-and-wine-related blogging in a couple of days...

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