Monday, November 16, 2009

Food, food, food...Christmas...some other again

Hopefully everyone's had an opportunity to check out the new blog,, in which I wax rhapsodic about food, cooking, wine, food, and food. ("Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam..." okay, not Spam.) It's fun thinking about food all the time. I mean, I pretty much do anyway, being the glutton that I am, but now I have a reason to think about food outside of stuffing my own face. The site's still a little rough, but I'm slowly building it. Please let me know what you think! I'm also trying my hand at food photography. The results have been a little amateurish for my taste, but hey, you gotta start somewhere.

In other news, my Christmas shopping is done. "Done?!", you say. "It's not even Thanksgiving!" Which is why it's done. I hate lines, I hate crowds, and most of all, I hate combinations of those two things. The internet is the best thing that ever happened to Christmas shopping. Somewhere in late October/early November, I order everything I need (can you say 'Cause I can), wrap it, and shove it in a closet. There. Done. I'm always appalled by those people who wait until December 23 and then storm the mall. Hello? Christmas is the same day every year. It's not like it's a surprise.

And speaking of Christmas, I may be able to get a little more time off than I'd originally bargained for. Which would be awesome. I'm excited about the next cross-country road trip--well, of course Iam. I'm an old pro at this by now. John claims he's excited, too, and hopefully he actually is. The success of this plan hinges upon us driving and sleeping in shifts, so he'll need to be excited about it to get through. I think it'll be neat, driving for 28 hours straight between here and Missouri, but then, we all know I have strange tastes. He also claims his son is on board with the plan, though his ex is most definitely not. I'm continually amazed by how risk-averse some people are. I learned a long time ago that life is change; to claim otherwise, or to try to prevent change, is to fight a losing battle. The only way to get through is to embrace the change and uncertainty and ride it out as best you can. When I got laid off, I whined for a while, then I got off my ass, embraced the change, set out on a road trip, and completely changed my life for the better. Next time I won't even bother whining--I'll just look for the opportunity.

Okay, I'm veering off-topic here. My brain is a little all over the place these days. Once I stop thinking about food/blogging, suddenly it's like, "Oh wait! I have these other 49 things to think about," and then it's chaos for a while. But it's very nice to have a project, and something to fill my days other than just work/dinner/TV/a good book before bed. I've also got two trips to plan (Thanksgiving, in which we go to Joshua Tree National Park/Yosemite National Park/Big Sur again, and Christmas, in which we drive to Missouri and Virginia and become intimately familiar with I-40). And we all know how much I love planning trips.

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