Friday, April 24, 2009

Two Blind Cats dinner is set!

...For Saturday, May 16. I've been tinkering with the menu all week, trying out the various recipes and thinking about wine pairings--I am unemployed, after all. And I have to admit it's great fun to roll out of bed whenever I happen to wake up, wander into the kitchen, and then be able to spend the rest of the day thinking about food.

The original menu remains largely the same, though the wine pairings will change, I'm sure. The cucumber sorbet turned out well, if a little sweet. The flan also turned out well, but will be less bland served with a bacon salsa. (Mmm...bacon.) The ravioli turned out a lot better than I expected; I used a semolina flour, and next time I'll roll them thinner (the edges were a little chewy) and make them smaller. They were excellent with some sauteed collard greens on top; I also tried fried collard greens, which were delish, but I'll have to make them in a deep fryer next time. There was a bit of a, shall we say, oil explosion when frying them in a cast-iron skillet. Next week I'll give the quail a shot; I may end up doing barbecued quail on cheese grits, I still have a bunch of leftover barbecue sauce from the pork shoulder dinner.

And I made candied grapefruit peel this morning. A little bitter--I think I need to do a better job of scraping out the white insides next time. But I was left with a good bit of grapefruit-flavored simple syrup, which I'll use in some cocktail experimentation.

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