Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ahh, spring

I spent the holiday weekend with my oldest and dearest friend in Tampa for some much-needed sun and R&R. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I really do need to move someplace where it's warm all the time. Spending the weekend lounging about in 85-degree temperatures, only to return to 38 degrees Monday morning, was rather a rude awakening. Needless to say, we had a great time; I rediscovered the joys of fried green tomatoes, and we reconnected with someone we used to know in high school. Really, I should sit around over martinis giggling and reminiscing with people I haven't seen in...18 years more often. (Yow.)

Now it's back to the job search. Last week I was feeling optimistic. This week, not so much. I've had only one interview this week, and I had two agencies tell me flat out they didn't have anything. Scary times. I have my reading to look forward to next week (and another A Razor, A Shiny Knife dinner this weekend), but falling as it does on a rather inauspicious date, I've had a lot on my mind lately and not really in the good way. Spring in New York can't come soon enough.

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