Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's hot

Life continues apace. It's boiling hot and we don't have air conditioning. Which doesn't bother me so much, as I'm famously in love with heat, and also because I spend most of my days either in an air-conditioned car or an air-conditioned restaurant, but it does bother my hubby immensely. I don't like watching him turn white and clammy by the end of each day, and the physical misery isn't helping his mental misery at the moment.

Still unemployed, and another game studio in Austin is laying off a bunch of people. More people in the game industry unemployment line. It's getting to the point where I'm considering some sort of big radical change. I'd love to be able to say, "Fuck it," and just move someplace new and start all over, but DH will still be unemployed. Even just moving closer to my work, in Boston, would probably make him ineligible for Rhode Island unemployment any more. If this is going to be an extended bout of unemployment, I'd rather ride it out in a place I actually want to live, but I'd hate to move somewhere, have him get a job offer, and move all over again. More importantly, we're staying afloat right now only because I'm making so much, combined with his unemployment checks. Remove any of that, and the whole house of cards comes crashing down. And any attempts on my part to suggest that he get another sort of job in the meantime, any job, usually just earn me a sour look.

So he's hot and miserable, and I'm hot (and usually cranky). In better news, my container-garden cherry tomatoes are taking off, we've only spent $30 on food this month, and I'm all caught up on "Breaking Bad."

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