Thursday, April 14, 2011

Special visitor!

Tonight my stepson comes to visit for the next ten days. My hubby left yesterday to fly out to the West Coast and pick him up (everyone except me thinks he's too young to fly by himself). So last night, in the absence of my better half, I had a slice of ham and a bowl of peanut butter ice cream for dinner. And went to bed early. Hot stuff, I tell ya.

I've laid in a supply of kid food (Cheerios, hot dogs, white bread) in anticipation of his arrival. I'm already horrified by how much more crap food costs than regular food, and I'm also horrified that a loaf of premade bread a) costs 16 times what it costs to make a loaf at home, and b) requires at least 37 separate ingredients, when my 25-cent-homemade loaf required only 4: flour, salt, yeast and water. But what can I do? He won't deign to eat homemade bread, and I'm tired of fighting the food battle. If he wants to subsist on hot dogs and PB&J while he's here, fine. At least the hot dogs are kosher and the buns are whole wheat. I'll report back after he's gone.

We're taking him to NYC for a day this weekend, which I'm very excited about. I've asked all my friends to meet us for dinner--it'll be great to see everyone again. Tomorrow night the neighbors are coming over with their boys, one of whom is my stepson's age; we'll have pizza and let the kids play video games. I'm hoping he makes a friend.

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