Sunday, April 10, 2011

A blast from the past

So last week, I went to the mailbox after getting home from work and found the alumni magazine from my undergrad alma mater, Lynchburg College (my hubby went there too, you may remember). It was a slow mail day. Anyway, I was flipping through it as I walked back up the driveway, and my eyes landed on this article (on page 42).

It's about a semi-famous theatre alum, Adam Kaufman. You'll know him from a stint on Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and a few indie movies. I know him because a) we majored in theatre at LC at the same time, and b) we made out after a party once.

It's not much of a story--even at the time, he was The Untouchable Lead Actor, skipping classes so he could go to New York for auditions. His disdain, for the small college and for everyone in it, was palpable. Well, whatever. I wasn't an acting major, so our paths weren't going to cross much anyway. But he was awfully cute.

I don't remember how exactly it happened, but I do remember we started talking at a party one night and that turned into a drunken make-out session back in my dorm room. It never went farther than that (I was seeing someone else at the time, and he was The Great Adam Kaufman, you know, and I'm sure he didn't even know my name), and the story would end there--except that I gained a small amount of notoriety in the theatre department for a week or so afterward, because I Made Out With Adam Kaufman.

And then I promptly forgot that it had ever happened, until I opened the LC alumni magazine 15 (16?) years later and landed on his picture.

His IMDb bio tells me he was in an episode of Mad Men, too, which I think I will have to watch again, so I can pick him out of the crowd.

I shared the story with my husband (if I remember correctly, this happened before he and I ever met/started hanging out), and he gave me an expectant look after I stopped talking. "What?" I said. "That's it?" he said. "That's the story?"

Yep, that's it. Slow mail day, slow news day. Another minor brush with celebrity, shared with you, o my patient blog readers.

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