Friday, April 8, 2011

11 things I hate and 10 I like. Those numbers were chosen completely at random.

Things I hate:

1. Unexpected bills.

2. Unexpected bills delivered in a completely unethical way. For example: our student loan company raising our monthly payment from, let's say, $500 a month to $1,200 a month, TEN DAYS BEFORE THE NEW PAYMENT IS DUE. Then claiming, it will take 10 days to process any change to the payment plan, then claiming that because any change to the payment plan won't take effect before the due date, there is nothing we can do and we have to cough up $1,200.


3. See Number 2, only this time, it's the township we live in, delivering two personal property tax bills within five weeks of each other (claiming, "one is for 2010 and is prorated, and the other is for 2011--sorry it's so much higher than the 2010 one, but we only operate on a 30-day billing cycle, so you have to pay us in 30 days whether you like it or not because we don't offer payment plans.")

4. #2 and #3 happening AT THE SAME TIME. Isn't sh*t like that illegal? Aren't we supposed to be, you know, WARNED about 600% payment increases in a timely fashion? It's not even the money at this point, it's the principle of the thing.

5. This stupid goddamn weather. Where's spring, for the love of God?

Sorry, all the ranting about bills makes me want to swear. I'll try to contain myself.

6. Politics.

7. Politicians.

8. Busy yet unproductive days at work.

9. Hauling my tired ass to bed at 9:30 thinking, "Why am I so tired at 9:30? Why can't I do something productive after 6 pm, like, you know, finishing my book?"

10. Dealing with numbers 1-9 without a decent vacation.

11. Or a pretty new dress.

Okay, that's enough. Here are some things I like:

1. The smell of tomato plants.

2. Watching my cats frolic in the yard.

3. I just finished a wreath that I hung over the fireplace. I made a wreath!

4. Vintage Tom Hanks comedies.

5. Wine with #4.

6. The fact that my husband will cuddle with me quite often when I drag my tired ass to bed at 9:30, instead of staying up to play computer games until 2 am, which I know is what he really wants to do.

7. A good martini.

8. The idea that one day the universe will quit ambushing us with unexpected bills and we'll be able to go on vacation.

9. Hey, next month is our first wedding anniversary! I think I just realized that.

10. Even if we can't afford to go anywhere for our anniversary, or even go out to dinner for pete's sake, I will at the very least put on the sexy red shoes from the wedding and crack open a good bottle of wine. That's a good way to celebrate, right?

I could use some hugs, I think.

Y'all send me some blog love. I was all set to take my stepson to NYC next weekend when he's here visiting, but I fear all this bill nonsense has blown a trip to New York completely out of the water.

I guess I will have to go fix a martini, bury my head in the flats of tomato seedlings in my sunroom, and remind myself that it's just money and there are worse things in the world.

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