Monday, April 26, 2010

28 days to go!

Now my brain is torturing me with all the things that could go wrong. Not the little things, mind you--I'm not worried about having enough food, or whether it will rain, or where people will park, or calculating the exact likelihood that I'll drip barbecue sauce down the front of my wedding dress (I'd say somewhere between 73 and 97%, depending on how much champagne is my system at the time). I'm panicking about big stuff--maybe my sister will go into premature labor. Maybe someone will drop dead of a heart attack. Maybe our plane will fall out of the sky en route. Maybe I'll get left at the altar after all. Maybe my boss will like my two-week replacement temp so much they fire me and hire her instead.

Is this normal? Feeling panicked about things I have absolutely no control over? Maybe that's the whole point, that I can't control those things and that's why my brain is torturing me with them. It's not cold feet, per se. I'm not panicking about the actual getting married part (though I am a little worried I'll cry in front of everyone. Thank God for waterproof mascara). Probably I just need more of a life right now, to distract myself from thinking about the wedding all. the. time.

Then again, it's probably a good sign I'm worried about airline crashes and earthquakes, rather than, you know, getting married. :-)

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