Monday, June 1, 2009

Free at last, free at last

I apologize for the lack of posting--my parents live in a technological dead zone. No internet, no wi-fi, no cell phone service, no cable. And Dad wonders why I don't want to move back home.

I officially start the road trip tomorrow. I'll spend a day in Charleston, SC, then on to Savannah and then to Tampa where I'll stay for a bit. The cats are acclimating themselves nicely (though not with the dog) and I've managed to get the car into some semblance of organization. I tested out my folks' camping equipment one night, and discovered at about 4 am that the tent was not in fact waterproof. So I've ordered a new (waterproof) tent; the rest of the camping equipment was functional, thank God, and sleeping on an air mattress outdoors is no different from sleeping on an air mattress indoors. My old bones will be creaky in the morning regardless.

My dad remains amazed that I plan on camping; but I contend that camping in national parks is sort of the point, and all the camping experience I've had up to this point was with my family. Now, no offense to my family, I love them dearly: but not when we're all camping together. My dad's idea of a great vacation was to pile five people and assorted camping gear into a Toyota Camry and take us back into the wilderness for several days at a time. Now, would you be happy crammed into a tent with your parents, assorted small children running around screaming, and no flush toilets or hot water? Especially when your dad then herded you all back into said Toyota Camry and spent the day oohing and aahing at various Civil War battlegrounds? To further the torture, extended relatives were often involved, meaning there were even more screaming small children and at least one grandmother badgering me to play Scrabble with her. In contrast, I will be camping all by myself at actual campgrounds, with modern plumbing, and nary a battlefield in sight. Many people have questioned my intention to drive cross-country solo; but I enjoy my own company all the time. I'd rather be alone than spend extended periods of time in a car with...well, just about anyone. Even the people I love dearest in the whole world would start to irritate me after about hour 10 on the interstate.

I've been playing with my new camera, which is super-cool. I've attached pics of the homestead.

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