Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Two days off

I spent my two days off getting caught up--cooking a bunch of food for the week ahead, finishing some scripts, finishing a library book, watching a movie or two, calling people, etc. I'm now officially all caught up, and the week begins again. Another swirl of work, followed by two days of everything else.

But I hope to pay off another debt this week, and to begin planning our road trip in July. On the next nice Monday, we'll day trip to Rainier. It's nice to have little things to look forward to; sometimes during the week it's impossible to think about anything but how tired/hungry/sore I am. I don't mind the schedule, though. I mean, what else am I going to do? It's worth it to pay off those little debts, to start making progress against all the red numbers that have been piling up over the last year.

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