Monday, May 20, 2013

My sister is moving

It's been too long since I've posted, I know. I keep meaning to, and then surprise! something else takes priority.

Last week was a long one--three doubles back-to-back. I did nothing but work and sleep. By the time my day off rolled around, I was exhausted. But that will be my life from now on: three doubles back-to-back, every week. Work = money. Fortunately my new shoes are all broken in now, and I've been making a point to pamper myself at every opportunity. (Note: pampering myself these days means sitting down and applying ice to some part of my body.)

Other news: my sister is moving, from Mississippi to North Carolina. She'll have had three weeks to do it, from the time they learned they were moving to the time they need to be there. Her husband got a new job. I remember how difficult it was when we moved from San Diego to Boston in three weeks; granted, they're moving a shorter distance, but they have two very small children and an entire household. I don't envy her right now. I wish I lived closer, I'd help out somehow. At the very least watch the kids while they pack. The bad news is that I'll lose my free New Orleans-area housing; the good news is that they'll be about two hours away from my parents, so now a trip to Virginia means I can kill all birds with one stone.

DH's freelance work is going well; by the first part of June we should have an idea of whether it might go full-time. I paid off a (small) debt last week; it was small, but it felt very good to once again be in a position to pay things off. I was reminded last night that this time last year, we were in the middle of DH's company collapse. On May 15, paychecks never showed up. On May 24, everyone was summarily fired. It's been a long year since then, but we've managed to stay financially afloat (indeed, even a little bit ahead of the curve), and we're living in a city we like much better. So we've managed to wrest some good from a very bad situation.

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