Sunday, May 12, 2013

New shoes

As part of my take-better-care-of-myself-and-not-look-like-such-a-schlub-all-the-time campaign, I got myself a new pair of Danskos. They're top of the line restaurant worker shoes, and my previous pair had started to die. (Eventually the cushioning on the inside starts to break down, and then your back starts hurting. That's how you know it's time for a new pair.) I got so excited about new Danskos that I also bought some fancy arch-supporting socks.

However, the first night in them was a nightmare. I could have been wearing heels all night for all the good they did me. They were stiff, tight, boxy, and made everything hurt more.


I discovered a great new trick for breaking in tight leather shoes.

Put a Ziploc bag of water in the toe of the shoe. Put the shoes in the freezer overnight. The water will freeze and expand, and force the toe box to stretch.

I tried this with my new shoes, and last night they were perfect.

Also? When you have tired, swollen feet, slipping them into a pair of ice-cold shoes is pretty awesome.

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