Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's amazing what a new haircut can do

I've been feeling kinda schlubby the past few months. What with the holidays, and the move, and trying to get a job, and blah blah blah, I've had more important things to do than get a sorely-needed haircut, and deal with my dry skin, and maybe put on lipstick once in a while. You know. Now that there's a steady income stream, I'm starting to deal with all those things that fell by the wayside.

Step 1: deal with dry skin. My face has been weirdly dry for a while--like, peeling--and I went by Sephora and got a new high-powered moisturizer and foundation. And stopped using powder. And got a couple new lipsticks. Also, I'm going to start drinking a gallon of water a day. So, now my face looks much better and healthier.

Step 2: get some new bras. Self-explanatory.

Step 3: get a haircut. While I'm at it, color it. Like all natural blondes, my hair has gotten darker in the last couple of years. That, unfortunately, has made the gray all too apparent. It's also gotten frizzier--I can't shampoo it without it turning into a ball of frizz for at least a couple of days. Yesterday I got a cut (dead ends gone, some better layers), a color (honey-colored lowlights), and a curl cream that should help with the frizziness. So now my hair looks better, too.

Step 4: general maintenance. Floss more, lotion more, attend to dry cuticles, get a massage. Or three.

After all that, I'll tackle my wardrobe. Working in the restaurant industry means I don't need a lot of clothes (blacks for work, jeans for everything else), but the ones I have are starting to look kind of shabby. Ditto DH's clothes--we haven't bothered getting anything new for a couple of years. Again, we won't need a lot, but a few summer things each (and rotating out the old stained stuff) will help a lot. I'll start at the Goodwill and progress to Target.

Hopefully soon I'll look like an actual person, not just a frizzy un-make-upped tired slob all the time.

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