Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The job I really wanted

First, the job news. I am delighted to announce that I've been hired full-time at the restaurant where I really wanted to work. Award-winning Northern Italian cuisine, with an amazing wine list. I'm finally officially back in the world of fine dining.

Pros: I can get wine off the list at cost, as well as food (Wagyu steak, anyone?). They're closed Sundays and Mondays, which means no brunch ever. It's a small place, with a small staff, and I think I'm going to fit in very well. Also, the chef is super nice. No yelling there, ever. Cons: They're closed Sundays and Mondays, so that's two fewer shifts per week, which means less money than I was making before. It's a rigorous training program, so it may be a few weeks before I start making actual money. It's in a northern suburb, so interstate travel is required. (Still, only 20-25 minutes, nowhere near the killer commute from before.)

I quit the coffee shop job; I kept having flashbacks to working at Burger King in high school. I also had a good interview with a nearby bar. I'm waiting to hear back from them, maybe that could be a part-time second job when I'm not at the other place.

Speaking of high school, my twentieth high school reunion has been announced. I'll save the psychological impacts of that for another post. Suffice it to say they are profound. Also, what do I wear??

The apartment is officially complete. We've set up a futon in the office so that room can double as a guest room. I've hung all the pictures and packed away all the heavy winter clothes.

No job news for DH yet. He's been more morose than usual lately, even though we got some good news about his mom. (She's doing much better.) I'm worried about his mental state.

But his son is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping the weather is nice enough so that we can get to the nearby national parks.

So, for now, a lot of working and waiting for the chance to earn real money.

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