Friday, March 29, 2013

Interviews and teenagers

Work is going very well. I'm taking a table every night; soon maybe they'll let me take more than one and make some actual money. (I'm chomping at the bit a little bit.)

A friend of mine got me an interview for an executive assistant position here. I'm really not interested in going back to the business world, but they seem impressed with my resume (even though my corporate career ended two years ago) and she has good things to say about the company. I have another phone interview with them later today. I don't know what I would do if they offered me a job, but I suppose I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

Speaking of interviews, DH has one on Monday. Thank fucking God.

Also, my teenage stepson is here for the next ten days. This is the first time I've seen him since last summer, so I'm not sure what to expect. So far, so good: he's eaten everything I put in front of him and he seems more grounded, less spazzy. DH took him to the Museum of Flight yesterday and he really enjoyed that. We'll do some sightseeing around town, around my work schedule, for the next couple of days, then Olympic National Park on Sunday.

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