Thursday, December 22, 2011

A bowl of ice cream solves a lot of problems

It's been a trying week. I lost my ATM card Monday morning--fortunately, I was able to cancel the account before any money disappeared, but it still screwed up my banking abilities for the week. Then the plumbing in our downstairs bathroom burst, flooding the downstairs neighbor, so we've had plumbers traipsing in and out of the apartment for two days. My 12-year-old stepson is visiting, and so far I don't think he's consumed anything besides dry Cheerios and hot dogs. Maybe a bowl of spaghetti. Definitely anything not, you know, either junk food or a carb.

And I've been working all week, and by that, I mean ALL WEEK. I finally broke down and scheduled myself a massage for this afternoon, because my shoulders are so tight that they're starting to weirdly tingle all the time. I've been having an ongoing dispute with my former landlord about the return of our deposit, and I finally got resolution (sort of); he returned $450 out of the $1000 he owed us. It's a long story. I'm happy just to see any money.

I'm really looking forward to a) a week off, b) seeing my friends and family next week, and c) sitting down. A lot. Sitting is my favorite.

This morning I got up, looked at the laundry, packing, and cleaning that needed to be done, and instead headed directly into the bathroom and took a long, boiling hot bubble bath. Then I ate a ginormous bacon egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast, followed by a ginormous bowl of ice cream.

I'm all ready for my massage.

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