Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 1 of new job = success!

So far the new job is going really well. I'm surprised, actually. I think I expected a big boring suburban data farm, but it's not that at all. Everyone is super nice, my boss doesn't have any glaring personality disorders (yet), and best of all, I have more freedom with this job than I've had with any others. They've essentially given me carte blanche to do my job the best way I see fit, with no corporate bullshit clogging up the works. It's so nice to finally be treated like an adult.

So I'm optimistic.

We're leaving this week for the annual Holiday Drive Across America, so this weekend I'm packing and cleaning and cooking all the stuff in the refrigerator. (Notice I said I'M doing those things.) We spent yesterday morning stacking firewood, and let me just tell you how cool I felt, sweaty, covered with wood bits, struggling to throw a plastic tarp over the pile. Hot stuff. All those years in Manhattan, brunching at the hot spots in designer shoes, dating investment bankers, to be reduced to spending a Saturday morning stacking firewood in the 'burbs. But don't worry--it was more fun stacking the firewood than it was dating any of those investment bankers.

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