Friday, December 31, 2010

Grandma's hooch

Happy New Year!

We've spent this past week and a half with family (my husband's, then mine). I met my niece Leah for the first time, learned how to knit and crochet, bought a 12-quart stainless steel mixing bowl (which Leah fits into), watched my stepson make out like a bandit on Christmas Day, and spent lots of time eating and laughing.

I will admit my family has loosened up considerably in their old age. They're a lot more fun than they used to be (or maybe I'm just old enough to fully appreciate adult fun?). Part of the annual Christmas get-together are my grandmother's increasingly funny antics. She's 84 and going strong--one of those old Southern ladies who plays cards with her bridge club and still cans her own pickled watermelon rind. The first year of our now-annual get-together, she cracked everyone up with the advent of her rooster collection. The gift exchange that year went something like this:

[Grandma opens a big present, to reveal a two-feet-tall ceramic rooster.]
Grandma: It's just what I always wanted!

Someone else: Grandma, you wanted a ceramic rooster?

Grandma: Yes, I've always wanted a cock for my kitchen.

[Everyone starts giggling.]

Grandma: For Christmas this year, all I wanted was a big ceramic cock, any size, any color, but preferably black and over 18 inches tall.

[We're all in hysterics now, rolling on the floor.]

Someone else: Grandma, you wanted a cock for Christmas?

Grandma: Yes! I can start a collection now! I'm going to put him in my kitchen and call him Cocky.

I'm still not sure Grandma knew why we were laughing so much, but now she gets roosters of every size and description from everyone, each Christmas. Rooster statues, clocks, salt and pepper shakers, creamers, placemats, plates, you name it. We all snigger like fourth graders whenever she says the word "cock."

This year, my uncle brought several Mason jars of moonshine and something called "Apple Pie Hooch." He brewed it himself, using the following recipe:

2 gallons apple cider
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 cinnamon sticks
A bottle of grain alcohol

(Brew the first three together over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar evaporates. Let cool to room temperature, add the grain alcohol, drink.)

Grandma discovered the apple pie hooch and has been drinking it steadily all week. "Grandma's hooch" has become a new family catchphrase.

I asked my sister to take a picture of me in the hot tub, drinking moonshine out of a Mason jar, surrounded by uncles and aunts and cousins. That's me--class all the way.

1 comment:

KB said...

I know that hooch well! Made with real moonshine over here in these parts- and delicious!! Speaking of Cock - I have a hilarious memory of my brother and I being at our grandparent's house when I was probably about 10 or something - and my grandparents kept discussing the merits of "Rump Roast" and my brother and I couldn't contain ourselves! We got snipped at for our outbursts but I still laugh about it today.