Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A place to live, but still no job

We may have just found our new home! That's the good news. The bad news is that I still don't have a job with which to pay our new rent. Still interviewing heavily, moving to the second stage with a couple of places this week. I'm sacrificing small goats to every god I can think of to get some kind of gainful employment. Hopefully someone will realize soon how awesome I am, hurry up and give me a paycheck, and then we can get moved in/settled down and finally put this move behind us. I'm ready to quit living like a refugee.

We'll have the housing details finalized later today, but if all goes well, we will soon be renting an entire house in Canton, MA. That's right, an entire 3 BR/1.5 BA house, with two floors, enclosed garage, woodburning fireplace, and at least a quarter acre of yard, for not much more than we were paying for a crappy 2 BR apartment in San Diego. I'm particularly excited about the yard; we can finally grill, garden, landscape, and let the cats frolic to our heart's content. The decor leaves something to be desired--split level with drop ceilings, and it looks like 1973 crawled inside and died. Complete with fake wood paneling. And it's way back in the 'burbs; it's not nearly as convenient to civilization and the train station as I'd hoped. But hey, it's a house, we can afford it (if I can get a &*$%ing job already), and DH has already been assigned all yardwork/snow shoveling. Plus we can quit hoarding quarters to do our laundry. Free laundry! Woo hoo!

Meanwhile DH is suffering through his first cold since moving back East. This past weekend, we saw our first Boston play, directed by one of my old chums from grad school. The play was great, and it was good (if disorienting) to see him again. I realized exactly how long it's been since I've seen him last, and it triggered a wave of "Jesus, I'm old," plus an onslaught of "Holy crap, what the hell am I doing with my life?" I've got a fairly significant birthday coming up, and while I was happy to see the beginning of this particular decade, I'm not so sure about reaching its midpoint. Therefore I will spend it in New York with good friends, and plan various housewarming/dinner parties.

I just realized--this will be my first ever opportunity to have a housewarming for an actual house. I haven't lived in a house (vs. an apartment) since I moved out of my parents' house, lo these many years ago. Yowza.

You're all invited.

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