Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The adventure continues

I still feel like I'm on the road trip, in a way. Home no longer feels like home, it just feels like the place where all my stuff is. And now all my stuff is packed up, so I might as well still be living out of my car--the vast majority of everything I own is now inaccessible. It took about four days to do a thorough purge and then pack everything, which really is a very short amount of time. When I first started, I thought it would take forever, but I guess I don't have as much stuff as I thought. It helped that most of my wardrobe and book collection went the way of the dinosaurs.

So now I'm concentrating on the intangibles of the moving process--hiring a truck, changing my address, sending out resumes. I mapped out my moving process, which involves a night in Virginia, a night or two with my sister in Mississippi, and then barreling across West Texas on I-10. I'm terrified of leaving the moving van overnight at a cheap motel while I sleep (that just screams "steal me, everything I own is in the back") so I think I will drive at night and sleep at a cheap motel during the day. I'm hoping that will eliminate most of the temptation for thieves. My plan is to make it to El Paso from Gulfport (16 hours), sleep for 8 hours, then make it the rest of the way to San Diego (11 hours) in time for move-in day on September 5. I will be a cranky mess on September 5, but I also want to cut down as much as possible on travel time for the cats. They'll be a cranky mess too.

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