Saturday, August 10, 2013

We're not moving again (yet, anyway)

DH's phone interview with the company in southern California didn't pan out--so at least I don't have to worry about moving again. He also had an interview with a local company, so fingers crossed. We're having issues collecting unemployment, so I suspect that his days of joblessness may be forced to come to an end soon.

I've been getting some extra hours at my job this week, going in early and answering phones, helping with inventory, etc. It'll help make up for some of the lost hours of my other job. My body is starting to recover from all those months of running full blast, on my feet 16 hours a day; my back and feet don't hurt nearly as much, and I'm less crabby. I got my ass handed to me last night--super busy, and I got quadruple-sat--so after tonight, I'm very much looking forward to two days off. It'll be our last weekend by ourselves for a bit, as Stepson returns next Friday for an extended visit through Labor Day. We're planning some day trips (Cascades, Mt. Rainier, Snoqualmie Falls) but nothing like the road trip we just got back from.

I've also been debating my clothing options for my upcoming trip to Virginia next month. A short visit to my friends in Boston, my 20th high school reunion, and my best friend's wedding all call for fierce outfits, correct? I have neither the time nor the money to do a lot of shopping, so I've just been trying on different combinations of things I already have and supplementing those with sparkly accessories from the Goodwill.

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