Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The economy sucks, so I got another job

That is to say, I got an additional job.

Waiting tables.

I don't doubt that we are headed for a Lost Decade just like Japan's. Another recession, no growth, massive unemployment. The shenanigans with the debt ceiling have only solidified my opinion that the government will never pull its head out of its collective ass long enough to shore up education, infrastructure, and healthcare, which means we will slowly fall farther and farther behind the rest of the world and they will blame it on terrorism, or gay marriage, or abortion, or possibly a combination of all three, rather than just, you know, not being dumb-asses.

So, given that, I'm really really nervous.

Not about our two jobs, per se. Just that we're still carrying so much debt, and that if God forbid something should happen to one of our jobs, we're not yet at the point where we could live on one income. So I want to make that debt go away as quickly as possible.

So I got a part-time job waiting tables, at a wine bar/upscale pizza joint just down the street from my day job. I don't mind waiting tables again, as all the money I make doing it will be purely extra money. All that will go straight to debt repayment, along with all the other money we're throwing at debt repayment. It's not like we need it to eat or anything. And I don't mind working my ass off for a year or two, if it means that then I won't have to work at all.

I'll report back, once I start. My feet and back are a lot older than they were the last time I did this, and I shudder to think of next year's tax bill, but the thought of paying off a bunch of stuff in short order makes me very, very happy.

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