Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventures in blogging

Thanks to last Sunday's guest post, I feel like Broke Foodie is finally gaining some traction. I'm not sure what the next steps should be--but you should all definitely be forwarding the link to all your friends! Perhaps I'll get a book deal yet.

I did write to some publishers requesting free review copies of some cookbooks--and they agreed! I'm getting free cookbooks out of this! And here I've been paying for them all these years like a sucker.

I'm seeing an old friend of mine from high school tonight. He's in town for a convention, and we're getting together for drinks after work. I can't wait. He is, quite honestly, the funniest person I know. He was the school clown in high school. I remember slinking around him back then, thinking how cool he was and how desperately uncool I was. He's still cool. I'm still pretty lame, but not as lame as I used to be.

Here's a cute picture of my cat, examining what became last night's dinner:

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