Monday, February 8, 2010

Finances hurt my brain.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to clean up the household finances. You know, all that grown-up stuff you have to do when you get married: plan a budget. Make a will. Get life insurance. Et cetera. It's proving more difficult than I thought it would be, for various reasons--and most of these reasons are outside my purview, meaning I get to spend a lot of time beating my head against the wall, wondering why the universe keeps throwing up so many stumbling blocks. All these years I thought I was the fiscally irresponsible one--I didn't have kids, or a mortgage, or a car, I had a lot of credit card and student loan debt, I had a fetish for international travel and expensive shoes. Turns out I'm a lot more financially savvy than I thought (debt load aside). I'm hoping that once the combining process is finally complete, then it will just be a matter of maintaining the whole thing--that I won't have to spend every month, in perpetuity, beating my head against the wall.

The first priority, of course, is paying off the debt. I think I'm going to get a second job, waiting tables or something, to help expedite that. If my new stepson is going to live with us, we need a bigger apartment and a second car, and right now we can't afford either one.

The good news is that a dry run of my taxes will yield enough of a return to pay back all the money I owe the IRS. So that's one debt crossed off the list. I guess that's the good part of not making any money--you don't owe any to the government!

Lots of weird dreams last night. I dreamed Pockets was coming after me with a knife, and then I dreamed another close friend of mine was dead, and then the old I'm-being-forced-to-go-back-to-high-school recurring nightmare cropped up. Good times.

1 comment:

KB said...

I have that same going back to high school/college dream frequently as well. It always revolves on me not being able to find my class, or getting lost. How odd.