Tuesday, September 15, 2009

San Diego update

Let's see...since the last post, the apartment is approaching 85% complete. My cooking mojo has returned. The cable and internet has been finally hooked up, all electronics have been wired together, mutual furniture has been purchased, herbs have been planted on the balcony, and we weathered our first fight. I even survived a weekend with John's son--I had to keep reminding myself that he's a normal 10-year-old boy, and that I should not take it personally when he didn't want to eat my cooking, didn't say please or thank you, put his shoes on the furniture, ate with his hands instead of his fork, left wet towels on the bathroom floor...you know, all those things that would be unacceptable behavior coming from an adult but are perfectly natural from a 10-year-old boy. My experience with children has been severely limited up to now (on purpose, I might add, although my friend K insists on calling me "The Baby Whisperer"), so I think the biggest challenge will not be adapting to brown carpeting or even finding a job but will be remaking myself into stepmother material.

Speaking of jobs, I've ramped up the search this week. I'm excited to learn the Old Globe is hiring; and in the meantime, I'll be blanketing the restaurants within walking distance with my resume. I also sent my resume to every temp agency in town. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night and panicking about my employment situation.

I set up a digital picture frame with all the photos from my trip this summer. I'm continually surprised by how beautiful most of them are, although my wanderlust is already heating back up. At least the AmEx points from the trip yielded me a 14-inch All Clad Professional nonstick frying pan, courtesy of Williams Sonoma.

Oh, and I got that Shun knife set. Best. Knives. Ever.

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