Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's and stuff

I spent the last week of my holiday vacation in VA, and saw the extended fam at a ski resort there. I didn't ski (no surprise there) but I did get some tubing in. I was reminded of how much I hate airports. The cats were overjoyed at my return, and spent all day yesterday underfoot. I also got a Le Creuset teakettle, in flame orange, the greatest Le Creuset color ever.

Speaking of New Year's, I've formulated a five-year plan. It's a little more ambitious than a New Year's resolution, but I'm much happier with it. Year 1: Finally pay off my @#%*ing credit card debt. Year 2: Pay off those pesky private student loans. Year 3: Save all that money. Year 4, and possibly Year 5 as well: Use that money to go backpacking around South America, until it runs out. I figure that'll take between a year and eighteen months, possibly even two years, depending on how much money I save. Upon my return: move someplace warm.

Another thing I want to do this year: write plays. I finished a little one a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty happy with it. I've been working on another, but I hit a snag when some unintended autobiographical elements kept creeping in. It's disheartening, especially given those particular autobiographical elements, but I've come at it from another angle and I seem to have regained my momentum. Still. Other writers out there, is there a way to avoid this in future? Or is this one of those pitfalls of writing I will just have to deal with?

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