Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

...was in all ways superior to last year's. Last year, my husband was in a different state, our stuff was in a storage unit somewhere in Seattle, and I was in Boston, freezing my butt off, sleeping on an air mattress, and feeling thoroughly overworked.

Fast-forward a year, and we were together, with our own stuff and our own Christmas tree. H was visiting us for a change, as was my father-in-law, so we were able to have a family holiday while I was working. I worked a lot, but didn't feel nearly as stressed as I did last year (and made more money, too). We were able to entertain and buy presents for people, which we couldn't really do last year, and the weather was better, too. All family members had an excellent time.

Since the restaurant is closed for the next week, we'll be taking a little New Year's road trip, down through northern California to San Francisco (H will fly home from there) and back up through wine country. Last year, in January, we were wending our way cross-country; and while Utah in January was completely beautiful and completely deserted, I'm glad not to be doing it again right now.

Speaking of moving, however, we'll be moving into a new apartment at the end of January, around the corner from my work. Bigger, cheaper, and I can walk to work. I'm not especially jazzed at the idea of coming back from vacation and then having two weeks to pack and move, but hey, at least it's just across town.

Happy New Year's, everyone!

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