Friday, June 14, 2013

Another wine geek moment

On Monday, I went to a wine tasting with a few people from work. We ended up on my roof deck, drinking two bottles of wine and enjoying the views. That turned into dinner, more wine, a convertible ride, and various shenanigans. I'm usually pretty good at not crossing the line into fully drunk--I'll sometimes push right up against it, but it's rare that I'm drunk. Well, by the time we finished dinner, I was good and drunk.

In a fun, giggly way of course, and then I promptly went to bed. The hangover on Tuesday was worth it. And the wine was delicious.

The rest of the week has been fairly uneventful. A lot of work. I booked my ticket to Virginia for September, for my high school reunion and best friend's wedding, complete with an overnight connection in Boston so that I can see my friends there too. I saw my first geoduck demonstration, and I have to say that is the most phallic thing I have ever seen. Above some actual phalluses, even.

Also, check out the Seattle Times' review of Bar Sajor. I work there!

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