Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sometimes you just gotta take the bull by the horns

Not much to report this week--I had a friend from work over for dinner Monday night. We had alligator gumbo, a raw winter greens salad, and a nice bottle of wine. Work has been slow, as it historically is in January. I'm worried about money, and especially worried that we're going to owe a big pile of money to the IRS this year, as restaurant paychecks are miniscule (we live on tips, you know) and federal withholding only comes out of the $2 an hour I officially earn, not out of the tips. And yes, the credit card tips get reported.

I'm taking my one day off this week and going into New York for the day to see some friends. It's been too long, my day off never coordinates with my hubby's days off, and so rather than wait any longer, I'm just going there by myself. It's way easier that way, even if it does mean I'll be driving home in the middle of the night after a very long day of socializing.

Oh, and you'll be glad to know my mashed thumb has finally stopped hurting, though it's still navy blue and fairly garish.

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