Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I miss having a day off

Sorry for paucity of news/updates lately. I've been working almost literally non-stop; temping during the day, restaurant at night. It's exactly like I'm 20 again, working two full-time jobs. Only, you know, I'm not 20 anymore.

I've been temping at a large drugstore chain's national headquarters for the last week or so, and that will probably continue for the next week. I remember exactly why I went back to the restaurant industry in the first place. I hate offices. I hate cafeterias, I hate cubicles, I hate office politics, I hate PowerPoint, I hate driving to a corporate campus every day. To add insult to injury, none of my corporate clothes fit anymore--I've lost probably 20 pounds since I started waiting tables, which is great, but now none of my clothes fit. To add further insult to injury, they're paying me $19 an hour. Which may sound like a lot, but I haven't made less than $20 an hour in an office since 1999. I was making double that temping in New York. Hell, even in San Diego, when I had to take a 35% pay cut just to work, I was making close to $23 an hour.

But it's still $19 an hour more than I was making during those hours, so I suppose I should quit griping.

So as soon as that's done, I rush right over to the restaurant and spend all night on my feet. Doubles on the weekends. Which means I work 8-5 Monday through Wednesday, then 8 am to 11 pm or midnight Thursday through Sunday. Which means I never have a full day off, and Thursday morning through Monday night is basically one long shift, with six-hour sleeping breaks.

My husband is like, "Who are you again?"

Fortunately, in a week we're going to Costa Rica. So I'm pushing through, because there'll be an awesome vacation at the end of all this.

When we get back, I'll reevaluate finances. Hopefully at that point I can drop the day temping, and cut back on the brunch shifts at the restaurant, leaving me to work only Thursday through Sunday nights.

In the meantime, though, it's a slog. I remember feeling like this when I was 20, thinking "Once I get a degree, I'll never have to work like this again."


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